NEW Rainforest Blue Clay Face Mask

NEW Rainforest Blue Clay Face Mask


This locally produced 100% natural product can be used as a full face mask or a spot treatment mask. The mask is made from just 1 ingredient - the Rainforest Blue Clay (a rare clay found in the remote rainforest just a few kms from Pura Vida Ecolodge and is known for its clarifying and skin balancing properties. The mask helps remove blackheads in just 10 minutes and reduces existing blemishes while deeply detoxifying the skin.

This clay penetrates deeply into your pores to draw out impurities while also helping your skin to maintain moisture. It also helps to reduce redness and puffiness on the surface of skin. It’s also a natural anti-inflammatory, beneficial in balancing both dry and oily skin types


HOW TO USE: Use half a tablespoon of clay powder and mix with a teaspoon of water until a paste is formed. Use a brush or fingers to apply to face or spots. Leave on for 10 minutes then wash off with warm water and a muslin cloth. Apply a moisturiser to finish.

(88 oz. weight / 25g peso / 3-4 masks/facials)

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